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Fees and Services

Only those who live exclusively from their client's fee and therefore have no conflicts of interest are truly independent. We guarantee that there are no conflicts of interest resulting from indirect income (no refunds on brokerage or custody fees, no brokerage commissions for new money or sales compensation for products of any kind, no other payments of monetary value).
How do I get an individual offer?
We will be happy to prepare an individual, competitive offer based on the investment volume to be managed.
What is the scope of services?

Our service includes (certain components are optional)

  • Management of your mandate
  • Reporting including customer-specific reports
  • Preparation of consolidated reports
  • Advice and analyses of total assets
  • Periodic mandate meetings
  • Loyalty statement
  • Exercise of voting rights for Swiss shares
  • Creation of a voting rights report
  • Preparation of a cost report
Oliver Balsiger
«Spending time with my family and friends in the mountains, whether hiking or skiing, is pure relaxation for me and opens up new perspectives.»
Oliver Balsiger, Senior Relationship Manager